Wednesday, May 09, 2012

My Thesis Proposal Project's Diary...

Assalamualaikum. WR. Wb.

Lihat apa yang ada disekelilingku saat ini! Rak-rak tinggi-rumah buku-buku tertata rapi-, berhelai-helai materi terserak diatas meja, ada sebotol aqua ukuran 600 ml, kulit permen mint, tempat kaca mata, mini album, hand phone, spidol warna warni dan kunci locker. 4 jam sudah, pantatku tak bergeming dari ruangan ini. Mengintip-ngintip jendela dunia satu persatu.
Memetik ilmu pengetahuan untuk kemudian kutanam guna memperkaya tulisanku. Tak lupa, mencatat alamat jendela-jendela itu agar aku tak tergelincir dalam lubang plagiarism.

Alhamdulillah, currently my thesis proposal project is on the process. Many thanks for my admirable lecturers who have enlightened me with new perspective of academic writing, something that I didn't get in my undergraduate. Here, I am compelled to dig the theories deeply, not merely just copied and then pasted. Academic writer should give credit to the authors, whose the theories are quoted by his/her. In addition, I am overwhelmed with the new sight of standard thesis structure. Furthermore, as I am a postgraduate student, the diction should be more sparkling than it used to be. I have to acknowledge that even though I have gotten the picture on it, it is not that easy to be applied. I have to get used to it. Multitude of practices are surely a must. That's why I force my self to write everything in English,, hehehe..^^

Well, I am writing literature review chapter now. Actually, I have been on this project since last months. Yet, some conditions got me frustrated that I left this. The literature related to my study are quite rare. I have to do more searching. Alhamdulillah, what I thought blurring and difficult at the first place, begin to show its shape clearly. Yeah, as long as we keep trying everything will find its own way, right??

Okay, It's almost four now, a sign for me to stop. Bapak Librarian has warned students about closed time,,hehehe..^^

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